• AdelleChattre

    Not buying this. Columnists like this have been crowing for years about national ethnography shifting out from under the GOP, yet in that time Republicans took most state houses, governorships, the House and the Senate. Superficial analyses like this, pretending that party identification matters more than party unity or actually going to the polls, seem as though they're meant to calm everyone down, whether the railroad trestle ahead has collapsed or not. A possible clue to this is Trump's dog whistle still echoing so loudly. Seemingly ridiculous stances taken by Republicans get more attention when Democrats are about to lose and need a laugh.

    The Democratic Party's shattered. The Democratic president and the Democratic leadership in Congress have made fast track authority their top priority, not just for this presidency but for the next one as well. Next, a whole raft of entangling alliances will be the top priority. Party unity's not at the top of that to do list. It comes somewhere below protecting expected profits as the highest purpose of government, ending the constitutionally-mandated republican form of government, and keeping one's pool heated year round. That's what this Democratic Party's about.

    I'm more inclined to side with Gaius Publius and Howie Klein on these things.