• SuperCyan

    Here's a link to the full show, if anyone's interested.

    Noah seems to be a pretty good host, albeit "campy," since it's his first episode. He made a lot of the same kind of jokes and delivered them in the same cadence that John Stewart did, and it's a little off-putting, because I'm hearing John Stewart and seeing someone else. However, once he gets going, he'll develop his own sort of style, that'll focus on his strengths. Noah also beat the "I'm the new guy here," jokes into the ground, but I'll give him a pass, because it's the only chance he'll really have to do that. Other than that, he's great. He brings a certain "freshness," to the table, that the show really needed. To be honest, I didn't watch most of the end of the Daily Show with John Stewart, because he just got a bit boring and repetitive. Hopefully, with Noah being pretty young, he'll slowly bring about a little change that will keep the show interesting, without taking it overboard.