• Cobbydaler

    I find it hard to believe it's almost doubled in a year. Source? Oh, I forgot, you don't provide sources.

    My GOVERNMENT source http://www.ssa.gov/oact/cola/central.html

  • MAGISTERLUDI (edited 9 years ago)
    @Cobbydaler -

    Still on that "per capita" kick I see. "Household" would be more representative of renters than individuals who may be married or still dependents, or of the many semi-retired. The source was provided.

  • Cobbydaler

    You deliberately omitted 'household' from your initial replies in order to troll.

    • MAGISTERLUDI (edited 9 years ago)
      @Cobbydaler -

      Nope, you need to learn to read. "Median "household"income U.S. was indeed approx $53-54,000, 2014. Per Capita, income is not applicable......"Except you are quoting Per Capita, I am quoting household. Try, to use applicable stats,....next time." Two previous quotes/comments to which you directly responded.