• Cobbydaler (edited 9 years ago)


    2013 Average 43,041.39 Median 28,031.02

    You're the typical "If I say it with enough conviction, people will believe it" type.

    Yes, that is a government website.

    From the graph on that page, the gap is widening.

  • MAGISTERLUDI (edited 9 years ago)
    @Cobbydaler -

    Except you are quoting Per Capita, I am quoting household. Try, to use applicable stats,....next time.

  • Cobbydaler

    Source for your figures?

  • MAGISTERLUDI (edited 9 years ago)
    @Cobbydaler -

    2014 Census ACS data. What's it matter to you? You'll obviously trot out anything......."Family" median income was $64,000.

  • Cobbydaler

    Perhaps a link to a source which you always seem to lack? Anyone can trot out anything without a link to the data. Yes, truth and accuracy matter to me. Prove it by a link to the data. Not difficult if it's true?

  • MAGISTERLUDI (edited 9 years ago)
    @Cobbydaler -

    In this case you represent your figures as true, knowing they were/are false, based on Per Capita. If "truth and accuracy matter" admit it. Don't stonewall and ask for "source(s)" already provided. Your disingenuity and Addy's deserve nothing.

  • Cobbydaler

    You quote a source, you haven't provided a link.

  • AdelleChattre (edited 9 years ago)

    Your disingenuity and Addy's deserve nothing.

    Disingenuity? I already lost sight of any point to this, before accusations like that. If there ever was any point.

    Chalking this all up to what happens when you mistakenly answer someone's rhetorical question. Makes some folks cranky. Folks that were cranky beforehand especially.

    @Cobbydaler -

    Yep, and yet you still refute nothing stated here,.........other than to misrepresent. Have fun with that "truth and accuracy matter to me", B.S.........

    @AdelleChattre -

    Don't be "cranky",......... enjoy!

  • AdelleChattre


  • sugartoad
    @AdelleChattre -

    Now kith