mrmulder's feed
8 years agoVideo/Audio mrmulder
This is how French artists from 1900s saw the future of the world in year 2000!
A series of futuristic pictures by some French artists including Jean-Marc Côté were published in France in 1899, 1900, 1901 and 1910. Here is a collection of some of the more interesting ones.
8 years agoAchievement mrmulder
Published 2/2 analysis snaps! Congratulations mrmulder on this achievement!
+4275 XP -
8 years agoAnalysis mrmulder
How Ant Slaves Overthrow Their Masters
Ants might get enslaved by other species of ants and sometimes they rebel against their masters by refusing to do the work they are assigned to!
9 years agoVideo/Audio mrmulder
Hey, look! I am on TV!
9 years agoAchievement mrmulder
Media Mogul
Published 10/10 current event snaps! Congratulations mrmulder on this achievement!
+8510 XP -
9 years agoCurrent Event mrmulder
Ridley Scott Says 'Prometheus 3' Or 'Prometheus 4' Will Finally Connect With 'Alien'
Doing the rounds for "The Martian," the director recently spoke to German site FilmFutter and revealed "Prometheus" has its own story to tell before it eventually ties into the movie that started it all.
9 years agoCurrent Event mrmulder
Deep Learning Machine Teaches Itself Chess in 72 Hours, Plays at International Master Level
In a world first, an artificial intelligence machine plays chess by evaluating the board rather than using brute force to work out every possible move.
9 years agoCurrent Event mrmulder
Walker: I'd cripple Iran on Day 1
Many 2016 aspirants have set their sights on the Iran nuclear agreement as something they would undo on day one.
9 years agoCurrent Event mrmulder
The UEFA has chosen Messi's goal against Bayern as the goal of the season.
9 years agoCurrent Event mrmulder
[Leaked Audio] Israeli leaders planned to attack Iran in 3 separate occasions
Israeli leaders planned to attack military targets in Iran in recent years, but were held back, according to an audio recording leaked to Israel's Channel 2.