10 years ago
Get ready: The FCC says it will vote on net neutrality in February
Federal regulators looking to place restrictions on Internet providers will introduce and vote on new proposed net neutrality rules in February, Federal Communications Commission officials said Friday. President Obama's top telecom regulator, Tom Wheeler, told fellow FCC commissioners before the Christmas holiday that he intends to circulate a draft proposal internally next month with an eye toward approving the measure weeks later, said one official who...
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RIP Net Neutrality in March, it was fun knowing you :(
Way to stay optimistic.
We all know how its going to turn out...
Yes we do. The ones with the biggest wad of money shoved in the most important pockets always wins.
Pretty much, it doesn't get any more corrupt than that.
Nope,but that's how it goes here in the good ol' USA.
A sad day when neither the FCC nor Congress gives a crap about what the people actually want.
It's been a sad day for eons. They have never cared what we want.