8 years ago
Utah Cheerleaders Feel 'Body Shamed' After Male Classmate Complains That Their Skirts Led to 'Impure' Thoughts
Last week, when a male student at Timpview High School in Provo, Utah, complained to a school counselor that the uniforms worn by cheerleaders on game day were causing him to have “impure” thoughts in class, the conversation could have ended there. But it didn’t.
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So are we supposed to have cheerleaders on burkas now?
Actually, the people in congress also cause me to have impure thoughts. Maybe they should all just get out.
Whatever, dude. You need to get laid.
That's right. Now, considering he's the kind of guy who complains about having impure thoughts, I don't see that happening any time soon.
What his parents and church have done to him is nothing short of mental abuse. To tell someone that sex is dirty and something to be hidden and ashamed of is absolutely abusive and causes harm. When everything about you is telling you that getting excited over a hot girl is normal and right, but everybody around you is telling you that those thoughts lead to Hell, its gotta mess with the mind. The 3 main Abrahamic religions have caused far more harm than good...I'm not sure exactly how LDS falls into the Abrahamic scheme of things. Since they call Christ their God, it must be based on Christianity, but I'm not sure how it's classified beyond that.
I couldn't agree more. Without religion I'm sure we'd already be over 500 years ahead.
I agree. If only someone could create a virus to demolish it and hide it in the common cold virus.