• massani

    I can definitely connect with Jamie's opinion in this piece. I have a classmate who I spent 9 weeks with, traveling around Western Europe. He's the type of guy that she describes in her post. He would always be super positive about everything, even when there was nothing to be super positive about. And it seemed like every new city, culture, we experienced, he would say, "Wow, this is the greatest place ever!" Every. Single. Time. I didn't knock his positivity all that much, but it was definitely taxing at times. Even when things didn't go our way abroad, I would stay positive, but still be bummed, and wanting a glass of wine, etc. He would just write a very long post on Facebook about the importance of being happy.

    I guess what I am trying to say, is that a lot like what Jamie said, it's okay to fuck up and want that drink, or to put on some Celine Dion and deal with your shit that way. It's awesome to be inspired, but don't fake your happiness behind quotes you post on your Instagram account.