
    Yep, for several years when I was what might be called an entry level employee. Which in itself was the best lesson. I learned quickly what I did not want to be, thus a little impetus.

    • imokruok

      Did you want to work on holidays?

      • MAGISTERLUDI (edited 9 years ago)

        Probably not, but didn't really "want" to work any day.

        • imokruok

          Yeah, working blows.

        • imokruok

          Please pardon this vulgar question but how much did you make when you worked in retail?

          @imokruok -

          In late 60,s less than 2 bucks as I recall, seems maybe 1.50- 1.75/hr, long time ago. I was young had a good time didn't matter then. No one made enough to feed a family in those positions, wasn't meant to, no one expected to.

        • imokruok
          @MAGISTERLUDI -

          I worked retail late 90's into early 00's while in school part-time making somewhere around $8/hr. I never had anyone but myself to support but certainly had co-workers who supported families on a similar salary. Times have really changed.