manfrys's feed
10 years agoAnalysis manfrys
Fascinating graphic shows a man's heart rate during marriage proposal
4591 points and 788 comments so far on reddit
10 years agoVideo/Audio manfrys
Zoom Into a Microchip
10 years agoUnspecified manfrys
Funny Cartoons by Shanghai Tango
10 years agoExpression manfrys
Funny Wind Tunnel Portraits
A Funny Wind Tunnel Portraits @ Photos by Tadas Černiauskas.
10 years agoLevel Up manfrys
Level 12
manfrys is now level 12 with 90,315 XP.
View Unlocks- Tribe Creation The maximum amount of tribes you can create has been raised by 2 to a total of 9.
- Tribe Membership The maximum amount of tribes you can join has been raised by 5 to a total of 80.
10 years agoHow-to manfrys
How To Create A 301 Redirect Map
If you're relaunching a web site anytime soon, you'll need the tips presented here on creating a 301 redirect map.
10 years agoAnalysis manfrys
The Myth of Google's 200 Ranking Factors
Every now and then a magical list of Google's Ranking Factor is published and earns thousands of shares and backlinks, albeit being just a sequence of myths and misinformation. Today, Gianluca Fiorelli explains why the 200 Google's Ranking Factors is an SEO myth and what SEOs should do for really learning how Search Engines work.
10 years agoAchievement manfrys
Hat Trick
Maintained a 3 day login streak 15/15 times! Congratulations manfrys on this achievement!
+9280 XP -
10 years agoAchievement manfrys
Busy Bee
Maintained a 7 day login streak 5/5 times! Congratulations manfrys on this achievement!
+6180 XP -
10 years agoLevel Up manfrys
Level 11
manfrys is now level 11 with 70,115 XP.
View Unlocks- Following The maximum amount of users you can follow has been raised by 20 to a total of 200.
- Image Submission The maximum amount of images you can submit to a unique social gallery has been raised by 1 to a total of 7.
10 years agoAchievement manfrys
Good Image
Reached a reputation rating of 70%. Congratulations manfrys on this achievement!
+5610 XP -
10 years agoAchievement manfrys
Published 2/2 analysis snaps! Congratulations manfrys on this achievement!
+2800 XP -
10 years agoAnalysis manfrys
Animated Algorithms
A didactic, animated, exposition of algorithm
10 years agoRelated Link manfrys
Alleged leak of more than 5M Gmail accounts
manfrys added 2 related link(s)
- All database in zip.txt format (verified, it's a text file!)
- 5 million Gmail passwords published, but don't panic
There are a total of 2 items in the related links -
10 years ago
I think in mistake in cut & copy link, because i would like to post the discussion on reddit. now I change the link. thanks for notice.
Posted in: Alleged leak of more than 5M Gmail accounts
10 years agoCurrent Event manfrys
Alleged leak of more than 5M Gmail accounts - check your account!
10 years agoCurrent Event manfrys
The Largest Bitcoin Farm in the World (17 pics)
10 years agoLevel Up manfrys
Level 10
manfrys is now level 10 with 55,020 XP.
View Unlocks- Tribe Claiming You can claim tribes with max level 3.
- Tribe blog mode You can switch tribes to blog mode.
- Save Credits The maximum amount of daily restored save credits has been raised by 1 to a total of 16.
- Snapzine The maximum amount of snapzine editions you can create has been raised by 1 to a total of 8.
- Tribe discussion mode You can switch tribes to discussion mode.
- Tribe Membership The maximum amount of tribes you can join has been raised by 5 to a total of 75.
10 years agoVideo/Audio manfrys
Inside the ISS - Expedition 38 Earth Observations
10 years agoVideo/Audio manfrys
Meanwhile In Russia: SpongeBob And Mickey Mouse Kick Dude's Ass In Road Rage Incident