• Appaloosa
    @AdelleChattre -

    I think I would be in trouble in a real debate, the book of bad arguments isn't a real thing to study to win?!

  • AdelleChattre (edited 5 years ago)
    @Appaloosa -

    Reminds me of figuring out what's wrong with the car. Or debugging a program. They're ways to identify what's wrong with one's reasoning. Assuming there [were] any.

    Edit: Forgot my subjunctive mood for a while there.

  • Appaloosa (edited 5 years ago)
    @AdelleChattre -

    I must say, I always enjoy a good Donnybrook between friends! I admire your intellect and your civil discourse for all to see. It sounds tired, I know, for sure I am one of those, please do keep up your conversations, share your intellect, spar, do well and be well, both of you.

  • Appaloosa
    @Appaloosa -


  • Appaloosa
    @Appaloosa -

    And for the record, I voted up every comment that you both made, because I respect what you have to say and because I want you both to say what you have to say. This is important to me, fleeting perhaps in the grand scheme of things, but this is my little space to decide.

  • AdelleChattre (edited 5 years ago)
    @Appaloosa -

    As ever, there you are, reminding us of the human on the other side of the line. I can only hope a fraction of your fairness, sound judgment, and good humor may've rubbed off on me over the years. I know I'm a better person for having however-kinda've known you. I'm not sure, but my sense is that nobody's ears here have been too tender to hear anything said. Please do, anyone, correct me if I'm wrong. For shame, people that think that downvoting is for when you reflexively disagree with something whether you know the first thing about it or as likely not. Opinion-voters like that will hopefully grow out of that, and they'll know they're voting better later on when they find themselves voting for things they actually disagree with because they're good for the conversation. Read the links you're given before you vote them up or down, for instance. It's a suggestion from a voice in the wilderness anyway.

    • Appaloosa (edited 5 years ago)
      @AdelleChattre -

      Oh go fuck yourself you asshole. I am humbled that I could ever have an influence on those I admire and care about...in that sort of-kinda've way. This looks awkward. So go fuck yourself. There, fixed it.

      But seriously, thank you!

      In the many years I have followed you, you speak from your heart, consistently, this is rare. You are unafraid, unabashed when you speak. And when you speak, people listen. They may or may not agree with you, and this to me is the greatest part of speaking. People listen. Without that, we only speak to ourselves.

      You have gifts that many don't have. You are smart, observant, aware of many things that most are not. Use this gift for as long as you can, share, as you do, care, as you do and never be afraid to be wrong.