• ttubravesrock

    Here in Alaska I've tried the following wild plants:

    chickweed, nettles, dandelion, fireweed shoots, and of course blueberries, raspberries, high-bush cranberries, and rose hips.

    Obviously, the berries are great, but the fireweed shoots and dandelion greens are pretty good in a stir fry.

    • drunkenninja

      Yeah, I can see how a stir fry or any form of cooking will make the wild weeds a bit easier to digest. The way I see it is like frying up an onion as opposed to eating it raw, its a huge change in flavour!

      • ttubravesrock

        exactly... while it's edible in a salad, if you heat it up it will taste better. Sometimes I just put a little bit of water in the frying pan, steam the veggies, then add a bit of soy sauce as my 'stir fry'

        • drunkenninja

          Yep, thats an awesome solution.Stir frying / steaming stuff is much better than for example boiling because you don't loose the vitamins that are left in the water.