Post Overview
9 years ago+16 16 0How British police officers keep the peace, without carrying guns
Handguns and assault rifles are completely banned in Britain, and a very small percentage of the country's police officers even carry guns, something that has led to a lower number of fatal police shootings.
9 years ago+10 10 0Sympathetic Papa John's
Text Post
9 years ago+3 3 0[Feature] Post and comment replies going to the message inbox
seriously, i can't see any interaction with my posts until i click the info tabs. It's very confusing to me, to be honest. I have to individually click on the messages to view them, or go to my post and read the comments. Post replies and comment replies going to the inbox would be super.
Text Post
9 years ago+5 5 0ICYMI: Yesterday, a Snapzu mobile app for Android was made
I made a post calling for a Snapzu mobile app, and the user hingeattack was kind enough to make an additional contribution to my post- an android mobile app, Zusnap.
here is the Google Play link:
Give all your thanks to hingeattack for this awesome contribution. I just don't think people would see it otherwise. Thank you hingeattack!
9 years agoExpression+31 31 0What are your guys' thoughts on a Snapzu mobile app?
Like a community one like Alien Blue?
9 years ago+12 12 0Evolution of the English language, seen through a Bible verse