legalad's feed
5 years agoAnalysis legalad
Diplomazia pubblica, diplomazia digitale. La governance del soft power
Sommario: 1. Introduzione; 2. L'affermazione della diplomazia pubblica; 3. La ricerca scientifica sulla diplomazia digitale;
5 years agoAchievement legalad
Media Mogul
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5 years agoLevel Up legalad
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5 years agoCurrent Event legalad
GMOs patentability | Blog di consulenza legale ed informazione giuridica
GMOs (genetically modified organisms) are, simplifying to the maximum, living organisms from the modified DNA. The genetic engineering processes, through
6 years agoCurrent Event legalad
Environment: needs for participation and protection |
The environment, with its complexity, represents the set of essential conditions to the development of humn life, and its conservation responds to an