9 years ago
Science Says: There Is No Such Thing As Race!
According to science, race is just an adaptation of humans living in different parts of the world, but ethnicity is very real
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This is a great post. I agree wholeheartedly.
People are always caught up in our short-sighted social constructs. But reality is nothing like we believe it is- things are subjective. Race included. Ethnicity is something that is inherited. Race is a title. Easy to separate on paper, but people try to categorize and segregate people based on this or that. But guess what? People are people. You can't be a pure-bred person. You're just a person.
Race is as real as nationality. They don't technically have a scientific basis, but they still have a large impact on society at large.
Quite right. But that's the rub isn't it? How do we as a society move away from using these non-existent labels as a way of designating attributes to people that are different from us?
by not designating attributes of yourself that are different from others
I remember a couple of years ago there was a TED talk talking about the possibility that humans could be different enough that there could be different sub species. Because of evolution there is semi forks happening today. They had not proved it yet at the time of the talk but it would be interesting to know if they had proved that. Would be neat to see how globalization effects our own evolution if we can track it now as developing nations become more connected. Would be used by groups I am sure to further their nasty causes.