7 years ago
Replacing beef with beans could save the planet, because people farts are better than cow farts
There's an old childhood ditty about eating beans that starts off “beans, beans, they're good for your heart,” and ends with a snicker-inducing line about their other well-known effects. It turns out, though, that beans are good for more than your heart. Eating them could also be good for the climate.
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The author never met my uncle.
!!!! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VPIP9KXdmO0)
kxh, your picture is not showing up for me.. And yeah,we have the best farts of all. Each of our farts is a special snowflake that will cure the world ! That being said,if cows were fed what they evolved to eat,rather than grains and candy,they would do better fart wise.
It's just a youtube video. It should just work. I made the link visible.