• leweb

    I find this whole outrage about Khashoggi very curious. Saudi Arabia is a state trapped in the 12-th century, where honor killings, beheadings, crucifixions, and all sorts of extremely brutal things happen on a daily basis without anyone batting an eye. How come this particular murder is special? If people really cared about the US supporting brutal torture and murder perpetrated by SA they would have done something a very long time ago.

    I’m not a fan of Trump at all. But this is definitely not about Trump. This is about the US bending over to the house of Saud for generations because money money money money.

    • Appaloosa

      Agree, the Kingdom has been part of a geopolitical strategy of the US since ARAMCO. First for the oil and now again the old adversary, Russia via it's proxy Iran. Arab VS Persian historic rivalry being exploited by superpowers...and making a ton of military hardware loot as an extra. You could have Jack the Ripper running that place and it would be the harlot's fault for being unclean.

    • jasont

      It's always about the money.