9 years ago
Bosch says solid state battery will double electric car range
German electronics firm Bosch says it will have a solid state battery on the market by 2020 that will double the range of electric cars at half the cost of today’s batteries. “Bosch is using its knowledge and considerable financial resources to achieve a breakthrough for electromobility,” said Dr. Volkmar Denner, the chairman of the company’s board of directors.
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The batteries have to get better before the electric car becomes more mainstream.
While it's not perfect now, it's still pretty good.
Think of it this way: on average, most people drive about 50 miles a day(1). Given that Tesla has a range of about 250 miles, it meets most general driving requirements.
An electric car probably won't be my first choice whenever I drive out of state on vacation, but that's pretty much 1% of my annual driving time. The other 99% is all in-town, driving to work, to the store, to the bar to get hammered, etc.
And all of that 99% can be handled using an electric instead of a gasoline vehicle.
(1) this assumes 15,291 total miles per year, divided by 300 days