• joethebob

    I wrote a couple simple ones many years back for like FF 3 or something very early.

    • picklefingers

      Well, if you are up for it, you could contact /u/slandy about possibly setting up a firefox version of the Snapzu Enhancement app.

      • slandy

        /u/picklefingers /u/joethebob

        The only major changes that would have to be made are related to storage and enabling nightmode (as these are done using the chrome extension API). I'll start working on a Firefox version as soon as I work the bugs out of 0.1.0. As it stands I'd like to get these features polished and onto the Chrome store:

        - 'expando' support on tribe pages

        - webm support

        - nightmode

        I expect that will be out the door some time over the next 24 hours, after which I'll start the port.

        However, if you (joethebob) would like to help and get started before then, you are more than welcome to!