jessieconnor's feed
9 years agoVideo/Audio jessdabess
La Dispute - New Storms For Older Lovers Lyrics
9 years ago
Yeah I was impressed with how they nailed the style.
9 years ago
Same here. I'm really looking forward to it. He gives off this really interesting vibe I can't quite put my finger on. Kinda punk, but not really at the same time.
9 years agoComment jessdabess
This had me so excited. At first I didn't like the 4th season, but after I watched it a second time it really grew on me. I'm looking forward to another season.
9 years agoComment jessdabess
They look all right, but I'm holding my excitement for the first trailer. I wonder when we'll be getting that?
Posted in: First Warcraft Movie Posters Revealed
9 years ago
"The red capes are coming" Oh god that line, I lol'd
9 years ago
He's definitely been batman a long time. The robin suite nod to Joker killing robin is probably the biggest giveaway that this is a weathered batman.
9 years ago
Which song? It wouldn't happen to be on youtube would it? It'd be interesting to see!
Posted in: Scary Kids Scaring Kids - Faces
9 years ago
And they are adorable. It's hard to hate something that adorable.
Posted in: Minions, explained
9 years agoComment jessdabess
Feed my cats. Otherwise they won't stop pulling my hair :(.
9 years agoVideo/Audio jessdabess
Scary Kids Scaring Kids - Faces
9 years agoVideo/Audio jessdabess
Scary Kids Scaring Kids - "The Only Medicine" Immortal Records
9 years agoVideo/Audio jessdabess
Cosmic Narcissism - Hail the Sun
9 years agoComment jessdabess
Great documentary. It's really incredible to see how such a tight nit competitive community emerged from Smash. I had no idea what kind of scene was around for smash until I saw thils.
Posted in: The Smash Brothers Documentary
9 years ago
Eminem is one of those artists that has changed a lot over the years, but still remained very good enjoyable. His new albums and tracks might not have the same utter rage as Slim Shady LP or Marshal Matthers LP1 but it's nice to see how he has grown as an artist. It's tribute to his talent to him still releasing rock solid quality albums. Recover and Marshal Matthers LP2 were both great.
Posted in: Eminem - Kings Never Die (2015)
9 years agoVideo/Audio jessdabess
Sleeping With Sirens - If I'm James Dean, Then You're Audrey Hepburn (Official Music Video)
9 years agoVideo/Audio jessdabess
Destroy Rebuild Until God Shows - Sex Life (Video)
9 years agoVideo/Audio jessdabess
Young And Aspiring- Underoath + Lyrics
9 years agoVideo/Audio jessdabess
Thrice - The Artist In The Ambulance [Official video]