• MrsBean

    Slightly off topic, but still pertaining to vitamin D. We live in Canada (pertinent due to lack of sun in winter) my 1st daughter was born in November, prescribed vitamin D drops. 2nd daughter was born in May, no drops prescribed. Doctor said it was the risk of autoimmune diseases, which is mentioned in the article. S.A.D sufferers are also recommended vitamin D to decrease depression and elevate their mood. Judging by own family, 3 of us were born Oct/Nov, all get blue in the winter, but the May baby is 'sunny' all year round. She has the happiest disposition out of the 4 of us. But my family does not a case study make :)

    • drunkenninja (edited 10 years ago)

      It might very well be her general outlook on the world and nothing to do with Vitamin D deficiency, some kids are a bit more happy in the rain haha. I'm in Vancouver myself, so I get my fair share of rainy weather (sometimes months at a time).

      • MrsBean

        You're bang on right about that. I have never met a more positive and loving soul. Everyone is always commenting on how delightful, bright, happy, and full of sunshine she is. She sticks out in our family!