8 years ago
U.S. judge finds that Aetna misled the public about its reasons for quitting Obamacare
Aetna claimed this summer that it was pulling out of all but four of the 15 states where it was providing Obamacare individual insurance because of a business decision — it was simply losing too much money on the Obamacare exchanges.Now a federal judge has ruled that that was a rank falsehood.
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And they will be fined $1000.
Kind of moot isn't it? Since Obamacare is going to be got rid of anyway.
Remains to be seen. My guess is that it'll still be a regulated market, as much as these insurance kingpins may hate that. Sounds like what's getting ripped out of TrumpCare first is the mandate that more or less every citizen and employer buy health insurance, something else for them to moan and wail about while they pile up checks.