+21 21 0
Published 10 years ago by jcscher with 9 Comments

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  • jcscher

    "Extreme cold warnings are also in effect in the Canadian provinces of Ontario and Manitoba."

    • drunkenninja

      This looks rough! Stay safe everyone.

      • Gozzin

        Doing our best. We had an ice storm here and power was out most of the day. Across the river,power was on,so we ate lunch. But yeah,it's absurdly cold!

        • drunkenninja

          Its crazy how there is like a 50 degrees difference between the east coast and the west coast!

  • ttubravesrock

    and here I am in the middle of alaska at +30F.

    • aj0690 (edited 10 years ago)

      Lucky you, but that still seems a bit cold. Maybe not for Alaska.

      • ttubravesrock

        You don't want temperatures approaching freezing(thawing) mid-winter. We have an established hard-pack that is actually very nice for driving on. It sticks to your tires better than asphalt. We also have 2-4 feet of snow piled up along the sides of the road. When that snow melts, it causes the road to be very slippery. Ideal temperatures in the winter are below +20. That keeps snow frozen. Ideal temperatures in the spring are above +45. That melts the snow quickly, so you have slick roads for a day or three instead of weeks. This time of the year, temperatures between 20 and 45 are not fun.

        • aj0690

          Gotcha, oh well maybe your summer will be extra warm too :) How warm are they up there usually?

          • ttubravesrock

            typically May-July get up in the 80s, Aug-Sept get up in the 60s.

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