10 years ago
New research shows religion has declined as Internet use has increased
New research has shown a correlation between the rise of the Internet and the decline of Americans claiming religious affiliation.
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This is actually a very expected trend, and feel that it will continue to be so until religion is a faith for the few. Especially in developed countries with internet access and fair treatment of their citizens.
I think people are tired of so called "organized religion". The scandals and the fact that so many use religion as the reason for violence have helped the decline. The internet has helped spread the word to everyone.
I agree. Religion is used to discriminate against people and is used to try and force the will of the religious on everyone and whether they like it or not,that never matters. I was forced to go to church as a kid and I hated it. At 13, I stopped going. Poor mom..She ended up raising two atheists. :D
I remember those days too... used to make me dread Sundays.