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Published 7 years ago by jcscher with 5 Comments

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  • drunkenninja

    Savage! The closest I ever got was "poached" eggs.

  • leweb (edited 7 years ago)

    The only sad thing here is that they ate one poacher only.

    We really need to convince the Chinese that powdered poacher testicles are the most powerful cure for cancer, impotence, and heart disease. Especially when the testicles have been powdered while attached to the poacher. That will take care of the problem in a bigger scale.

    • Gozzin

      This is true..And the people who make these traditional "medicines",their body parts are even better to use,especially the brains,even though said brains will be the size of a walnut...Still...

  • iamsanchez

    Justice is a dish best served cold, or body temperature in this case.

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