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Published 10 years ago by jcscher with 3 Comments

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  • jcscher

    "As much as 15 to 20 inches had fallen in Pensacola in a 24-hour period."

  • idlethreat (edited 10 years ago)

    Holy crap, I used to live on St. Francis street in Mobile when I was a kid. Funny to see it linked to in a tweet while I'm at work in the midwest.

    It's horribly rainy in Mobile every spring. There's a reason the road by the bay is called Water street. It's freaking covered all the time. Mobile fights with Seattle as the rainiest city in the US. Sometimes it rains for weeks on end. Day and night. Floods a lot, too.

    Just came across this at the bottom that's a little confusing...

    Amid the heartbreak, an incredible tale of heroism has emerged. John Servati, 21, a member of the swim team at the University of Alabama, was taking shelter in his basement with his girlfriend when a retaining wall fell.

    It's awful that he died, but... there's no basements that far south. None. Water table is way too high to permit it and the floods are way to frequent.

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