• Gozzin (edited 8 years ago)

    No mention of eating bugs? I'm shocked. I think a digital screen telling you this that and the other would be annoying,plus it would be a way to insert advertising,which no one wants to see. At our supermarket,in the meat isle, a recording would start when you reached for certain meats...It did not go over well and they removed it.

    • drunkenninja

      Unless the bugs are converted into something that resembles meat I don't see them being the future of food :)

      • kigurame

        Honestly that's just it. During my travels I've eaten some really odd shit (because refusal to do so can be can be impolite) It's the idea of eating bugs that's hard to get over because taste wise some of them can be quite tasty. The only thing i won't ever do again is fried bat ~_~

        • drunkenninja

          Lets hear it.

          • kigurame (edited 8 years ago)

            This was in Indonesia quite a few years back. Aside from the taste (let's just say it's acquired) the whole experience is like something from a horror movie. Especially visually ! This set of pictures(Warning NSFL) Pretty much sums it up. A deep fried mess of bone hair and intestine. (Pictures courtesy of a random stranger on the internet)

            • drunkenninja

              Wow, I was expecting KFC style deep fried like in Anchorman 2. This I must say is nightmare inducing, its like eating skeletal mummified corpses that look like 2,000 year old jerky... Definitely not chicken of the cave :D