8 years ago
5 Reasons Why Trump Will Win
Friends: I am sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but I gave it to you straight last summer when I told you that Donald Trump would be the Republican nominee for president. And now I have even more awful, depressing news for you: Donald J. Trump is going to win in November. This wretched, ignorant, dangerous part-time clown and full time sociopath is going to be our next president. President Trump. Go ahead and say the words, ‘cause you’ll be saying them for the next four years: “PRESIDENT TRUMP.” Never in my life have I wanted to be proven wrong more than I do right now.
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Seriously, all you need to do is look at 270towin and see the electoral maps and how states are leaning, without a popular vote system I don't believe Trump has a chance in hell.
I hope you're right. I am no fan of Hillary, but Trump? Fuck me...
Drumpf’s been eating other candidates’ lunches this whole cycle. Even as they’ve consistently ‘misunderestimated’ him, as Dubya might say. Remember when Nate Silver was saying categorically Drumpf would never get this far? And yet...
I think if Trump wins, which I believe he has a good chance of doing, it'll be as simple as what happened with the Brexit referendum. The generation who support Trump will vote and the generation whose oppose him won't. As with the referendum, facts and experts won't matter, believing the narrative is what will count.
So. Has everyone registered to vote? And will they do so? And to aid in the decision -- PLATFORMS people, PLATFORMS:
Democratic party platform
Republican party platform
TL/DR: Our political system is so broken that at this point the only person anyone would be excited to vote for is Trump. It doesn't help that the DNC made sure to get the most unlikeable candidate ever win the primary over Bernie Sanders, who would actually excite young people to go to the polls.
We are going to be screwed beyond belief.
I keep writing all over the place in response to people that "Trump can not be POTUS". But, then I keep realizing that the alternative is Hillary and I seriously do not like her. I think she is crooked, along with the DNC, and I do not believe she will be a good president. So, then I think to myself that maybe I should vote for Trump. Then I slap myself for being an idiot....and the merry-go-round goes round-and-round.
It truly saddens me that the best America has to offer the world is one of these two people. I still do not believe, nor will I ever believe, that Hillary won California. To be clear- I believe our elections are absolutely rigged and the vote counts are manipulated. There is no question in my mind that this is happening, and did happen in California. I still have yet to see a Hillary bumper sticker or yard sign in California, while the Bernie stuff is still everywhere. Statistically speaking, it just doesn't seem plausible that she won with some bullshit 'silent majority'.
Edit- I was just discussing this topic with a friend yesterday and he said he saw a Hillary bumper sticker in Santa Rosa a few weeks back. So, she does have at least one supporter here...along with the criminals who rigged the election.
is Bernie not running as an independent candidate?
Canada's real estate business will be booming.
Trump is going to win because he wants it more and once more, he owns his own dishonesty. Hillary would like us all to believe she's somehow better. She delusional and disconnected. Trump is probably monster, but at least he's an honest monster. Hillary is definitely a monster (having destroyed Libya), but she'll have us believe she's "one of us". That's an act she should've dropped, just like John Kerry shouldn't have gone shooting when he's really more a windsurfing guy.
If you want war, vote Hillary. If you'd like to avoid war, but don't mind the economy grinding to a halt, vote Trump. If you'd like to avoid war and avoid the economy tanking, vote Johnson/Weld.
You may want to actually familiarize yourself with the lib policies. As much as basic sanity can appeal having a pres from a 3rd party without support in congress would be a clusterfuck of epic proportions. Think congress is a gridlocked quagmire now? Imagine adding another completely different and often incompatible view on basically all core government function to budget negotiations.
Libertarians are most definitely not the answer. The entire concept that we don't need government regulation of business because they are good and great and do everything right, except the bad ones who will be magically weeded out, is fucking laughable. The entire reason why organizations like OSHA and the EPA exist is because corporations are run by scumbags who don't give a shit about anything but making profits.