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9 years ago+13 13 0Hi there. Been away a few weeks. What's new?
I started using Snapzu a while ago but disappeared for a few weeks - life took over. I haven't been browsing the internet in a leisurely way for a while, so I thought I'd come over here to say hello and see what's up.
So, what's new with Snapzu? Everyone still playing nice?
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9 years ago+60 62 2Snapzu, what instantly makes you think less of a stranger?
When you meet someone new, whether socially or in a work environment, what (potentially inconspicuous) action or opinion immediately turns you off them?
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9 years ago+33 33 0Snapzu! What is your all-time favourite band or musical artist? How did you discover them?
Also, why do you love them?
You can only choose one.
"B-but but..."
Yes I know. Me too. Sorry, them's the rules today. ONE artist, no exceptions.
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9 years ago+15 15 0[Site Functionality] Include the name of the thread in 'You have posted a comment' notification.
When you post a comment, 'You have posted a comment' appears in your notification history on the top bar. Problem is, when I've posted several comments to different threads in succession, it's hit and miss trying to revisit one of them.
Suggestion: include 'in [THREADNAME]' after you have posted a comment, similar to when someone has replied to your comment.
- I post a comment in this thread.
- My notification history shows 'You have posted a comment in [Site Functionality] Include the name of the thread in 'You have posted a comment' notification.'
I understand this probably comes from the same string that shows in the popup notification, and this could make that more annoying . Not sure if they can (or should) be separated in this respect.
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9 years ago+3 3 0[Advice] Removing Limescale from a Toilet Bowl
Here's a little tip I came across just the other day.
If your toilet has a layer of limescale from years of neglect (I experienced this in a rented property), you can buy expensive chemical solutions that may or may not work to remove it. Before you try this, though, I suggest you purchase some denture cleaning product and give that a whirl.
It usually comes in tablets that fizz in water, designed to be dropped into a glass with dentures overnight. My sister-in-law recommended the trick to me, and I have to say it did the job. Simply drop a couple of tablets in the bowl and leave it for a few hours (overnight is fine). It will eat away at the nasty limescale and weaken what remains to help you scrub it away with far less hassle. I repeated it three or four times and got results.
This stuff is what I used, and it often works out cheaper than the limescale removers you can buy.
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9 years ago+2 2 0[Advice] How to Change a Tire
An illustrated step-by-step on one of those essential skills.
9 years ago+10 10 0[Advice] How to Iron a Shirt
A short, concise guide on ironing a shirt the right way.
9 years ago+18 18 0Kirby's Epic Yarn - Lava Landing
The game was super easy, but I loved this track. Yes, it's repetitive but it gets awesome around 0:45. Those bass notes!
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9 years ago+55 55 0Snapzu, what is the worst physical pain you have ever experienced?
And what were the circumstances surrounding it?
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9 years ago+45 45 0Thank you Snapzu! (plus gallery)
Hi everyone! I recently ran a discussion in /t/lounge offering to design flags for new tribes. The response was pretty great and I just wanted to say a big 'thank you' for all the requests and the delightful feedback (including additional PMs). I talked to a lot of very nice Snapzites. So, thank you!
I managed to complete all the requests and have unofficially closed the thread for now. For anyone else who is interested, I will definitely be posting a similar thread some time in the near future, but in the mean time I'm going to focus my efforts on some other non-flag-oriented pursuits (some of which are still Snapzu related!). Watch this space for the next one.
Thanks again for being such a friendly and welcoming community!
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9 years ago+3 3 0Patrick is drinking late at his local pub.
He's had a few too many, and drunkenly asks the bartender for another whisky.
"Ah, Paddy," responds the barman with a friendly firmness, "I think you've had enough for tonight. It's 2am, about time for you to head home".
Patrick shrugs, too inebriated to argue the point, then turns around on his stool and attempts to step towards the exit. BAM! He falls straight on his face. After shaking it off, he crawls the few feet towards the door and eases himself up its frame, into a standing position. He attempts to gather himself, opens the door and takes a step into the cool night air.
BAM! Face-first onto the concrete. With a small groan, Patrick pulls himself up along the nearby fence and, using it for support, embarks on the short journey to his house at the end of the street. BAM! Back on the floor. This repeats every few yards until he finally reaches a gate with the house number he recognises. Somewhat bloodied from the journey thus far, he sniffs, props himself up yet again, opens the gate and sets his foot onto the front path to his home. BAM! Straight back down.
Patrick crawls towards his front door and climbs to his feet one final time. He wrestles his key out of his pocket, and turns it in the lock. The door swings open. BAM! The dull thud of a stocky body on a hallway carpet. Patrick looks up at the staircase leading to his bedroom door, groans and, shaking his head, crawls onto the living room couch in defeat. He closes his eyes.
At 7am the next day, Patrick's wife enters the living room and opens the curtains, allowing the bright light of the morning to flood in.
"Late night at the pub again?" she asks. Patrick, still half asleep, grunts in confirmation and clumsily nods.
She glances around the room, "Ah, Paddy, did you not bring your wheelchair home?"
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9 years ago+2 2 0Looking for mods!
If anyone who has a passion for South Park would like to mod this tribe and help it grow, please PM me and we'll see what we can do.
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9 years ago+3 3 0[User Feature] 'Profile Overview' Link When I Click My Avatar at the Top
When I'm somewhere on the site that isn't my feed, it currently takes more than 1 click to reach my Profile Overview (feed, then the avatar that appears in the lower bar next to my level). I keep wanting to find this page from the top avatar, but I have to go into another page to find it. This doesn't feel incredibly intuitive.
I acknowledge there isn't much space up for grabs on the 'avatar overlay' (the box that comes up when I click my avatar next to the green submit button), but I did notice that my name in this context is just text (directly above the XP bar) and not used for anything. Clicking the XP bar or my level takes me to the XP page, so why not make that name into a link that takes me directly to the profile overview (perhaps with a tooltip that appears on hover)?
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9 years ago+1 1 0The Chicharones - Never Had It Easy (Elevator Accapella)
The Chicharones is an alt hip hop crew made up of rappers Josh Martinez and Sleep. They formed in 2001 and have taken it relatively easy with their career, with a three year haitus in 2006. This song is on their 2012 album, Swine Flew but, for me, th ...
9 years ago+2 2 0Swamp Thing
The good, the bad and the algae: A crocodile covered in algae wanders through a watering hole near Lower Sabie rest camp in the Kruger National Park, South Africa - The Telegraph
9 years ago+1 1 0Dee Snider Testifies Against Censorship in Music
In 1985, a Senate hearing was instigated by the Parents Music Resource Center (PMRC), who wanted to introduce a parental warning system that would label all albums containing offensive material, using a 'letter' system. Dee Snider (of Twist ...
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9 years ago+19 19 0You are suddenly rich beyond your wildest dreams. One catch - no one else can find out. How do you make the most of your money?
If anyone finds out, aside from the mysterious benefactor, you lose all of it. He or she has also told you that charity donations will result in the same fate.
It's in a secret magic bank account. Suppliers can see that you're spending money, but are not allowed to know the extent of your situation.
What do you do with the cash?
9 years ago+5 5 0Amazon's Search Results Too Useful, Must Be Trademark Infringement
Watch retailer, MTM defeats Amazon in court for showing a list of similar watches when users search for MTM's brand names. The key is that Amazon doesn't inform the user that they don't stock MTM's watches before showing the alter ...
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9 years ago+2 2 0I was looking forward to a great day at the zoo, but they only had a single dog.
Shih tzu.
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9 years ago+1 1 0A family walks into a hotel and the father approaches the front desk and says "I hope the porn is disabled."
The receptionist replies, "It's just regular porn, you sick fuck."