• leweb

    It is interesting to see how one of the most left-leaning states is also one of the ones with the most homeless people. It’s easy to tell others what to do about basic human rights while hiding your own gross violations of them.

    • AdelleChattre

      California has the most people of any state by far. I've mentioned this here recently, but you could vaporize the ten largest cities in California and it would still be the most populous state. It is a blue state, state government is solidly Democratic, but if anything it's a conservative state. Maybe not conservative like Alabama, but let's not pretend what's wrong with Alabama is conservatism either. One could convincingly say California's a liberal state, but that's nothing to do with the Left. Witness Hillary Kissinger.

      • leweb

        Sure, but California is also close to the top in number of homeless per capita, so it’s not really about the total population.

        • AdelleChattre

          I can see homeless folks. I can see rights violations. Where's the preachiness and hypocrisy you're describing?