• MyUserName

    In 1998 for English class, we were tasked with doing a project on the history of television. Naturally my first thought was look on the internet, then we'll load up Encarta (the Wikipedia of the time before Wikipedia). So, as there was no really great search engines yet it meant a lot of surfing to find relevant material. 'Lets try tv.com' I said, that seemed like an obvious answer. It wasn't. Not at all. It was a hardcore porn site and given that we were on school computers we crossed the window as fast as teenage boys looking at porn can close a window. It wasn't even 2 minutes later that the IT person was behind us asking why we were looking at porn.

    I'm not sure how accurate my memory is of the events, but I am sure that it was tv.com that we went to. Similar to how whitehouse.com used to host porn. I can't remember what my point was, I'm sorry.