• ColonBowel

    Google+ had its shot a blew it. I can't remember when, but there was a huge upset over a major change with the Facebook feed and privacy policy. A good portion of Facebookers were wanting to leave in protest. Google+ could have been that. Instead, they limited access to people that were invited. So, those that had a Google+ had no friends to share with. After a few weeks of having no one to do anything with, I stopped going.

    Now, I use it as a sort of a personal journal that I can access whenever I have Internet.

    • augustwest

      This is exactly what I remember. I use lots of google products and was excited about google+ when I first read about it but they seemed to want to try to create a buzz of people clamoring to gain access and doled out sign ups by invite only initially. When they finally got around to letting people use the service I and everyone else I knew was already frustrated and had moved on. They had a real shot and blew it.