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Published 9 years ago by hxxp with 4 Comments

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  • sjvn

    Of course what I really want is the Tesla Model S P90D with the Ludicrous upgrade, but I don't have that kind of money. The base model Tesla Model 3 at $35,000 however... 

  • Harvo

    If true, this means the end of oil is upon us.

  • CrookedTale

    I would buy an electric car if the price would ever go down. I have this issue with spending gobs of money on items with a short lifespan.

  • NinjaKlaus

    The problem is still the fact there is very little charging capacity for travelers in most of the US. I can't hop in it and drive 200 miles and stop for a charged battery, I need that to make it feasible for me.

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