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Published 9 years ago by hiihii with 3 Comments

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  • bogdan

    I really feel like "high crystal graphene" means that the cost required to produce this at the current time far outweighs its usefulness, unfortunately.

    • cunt

      Hearing these news bites and knowing that the battery has been created but is perhaps decades from being released commercially if at all is quite disheartening. An open battery research lab would be good use to make of the internet

    • Hwatwasthat

      There are some situations where regardless of the extra cost the extra capacity is just needed. The given example of cars is a big one.

      The biggest problem here is still graphene production on a large scale, lots of research being mentioned of its uses but not so much of its production. I don't doubt the research is occurring and obviously its far less sexy to talk about increased yields but that's the next big thing I'm waiting for.

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