• i208khonsu

    This chart makes no sense. An Atheist doesn't care if a God exists or not, so stating whether or not a God exists or not is irrelevant to an Atheist.

    As an atheist no theology has any impact on any of the choices I make or behaviors I express. Again, I don't care if a God exists or not; it's irrelevant to my life.

    • a7h13f

      Are you familiar with apatheism? Most would consider it a subset of atheism, but it's a bit more specific. If you're actively disinterested in the question of whether deities exist or not, I personally think that it would probably better describe your position, as atheism (at least, in my usage) is a much broader term that is used to describe someone who doesn't believe in deities.

    • neg8ivezero

      I am really confused by your post, perhaps you could elaborate a bit? I apologize, I haven't had my afternoon cup of joe yet and I'm starting to drag.

      An Atheist doesn't care if a God exists or not, so stating whether or not a God exists or not is irrelevant to an Atheist

      It is this sentiment that I am struggling with. I am an Atheist and I WOULD care if a god exists but I don't because I see no indication that he does. Is that the same thing as what you are saying?

      Basically, my position is that no one can be certain of something that has no proof and therefore I cannot be certain that there is no god, however the burden of proof rests on the claimant and no one has yet produced proof that a god does exist; therefore I see no need to entertain the notion of a god.

    • picklefingers

      Ya, I'm going to just say that is not true. Even if you don't care, you will still probably have an answer to the two above questions unless you are, as /u/a7h13f said, an apatheist, which is debatably not an atheist since you agree with neither the theists claim nor the atheists claim.

      so stating whether or not a God exists or not is irrelevant to an Atheist

      This statement makes absolutely no sense. By definition, atheism is somebody who believes that there are no gods. So by calling yourself an atheist, you have stated whether or not a god exists.

    • Shimmer

      I'm an atheist, but I definitely care whether God exists.