• MrsBean

    Consumers want value for their money. That does not translate to mean cheap and fake. It means they want, in the case of food, authentic quality ingredients, real flavour made from real food not in some lab somewhere, excellent service, and an affordable price. I personally am willing to spend more if it means getting actual food served by employees that are respected by their company not something that was created in a lab to trick me into thinking it was real food I was eating served by people treated like slaves. IFF anyone?

    • drunkenninja

      Very well put, lab created food served by literal low wage slaves is not something the consumer is looking for. I personally just avoid the whole industry, there is nothing good coming from it, nothing.

      • Gozzin

        I agree. I simply do not eat at fast food dives. How MC Donald's stays in business is a mystery to me. I also want real food,which is why I mainly cook everything from scratch. I have a crock pot, and I know how to use it!