• Teakay (edited 9 years ago)

    This suggestion irked me:

    And the men can just switch to more reasonable fashion choices for warmer offices. I see plenty of tan, summer suits around town. And even some linen or seersucker from the Southern delegations to D.C.

    I've never had to wear a full suit to work but I have tried some on and I can guarantee the switch from black/navy/grey suits to a tan suit would not be nearly enough to keep me cool. As a female I have a little bit more leeway and can wear thinner slacks and a light blazer over a blouse of some sort, and even that keeps me uncomfortably hot in a building of average temperature. If people get cold they can start adding layers, or social expectations can change and we can not require such a strict dress code for more formal offices. I propose everyone be allowed to wear slacks and a polo to work.