• Teakay (edited 9 years ago)

    I hate this so much. I'm female, but I tend to be too warm when everyone else is too cold. I would welcome a working environment cool enough to allow me to wear a sweatshirt, they're comfy and soft. Extra layers allow you to make yourself as warm as you need to be comfortable, but it's not like people who are in a T-shirt and jeans can strip naked if they're too warm.

    I'm not saying every building needs to be kept at 50 degrees, but it has always seemed more reasonable to me to keep the temperature at the low end of comfortable (~67-73 degrees) and adjust your clothing to suit your needs than to insist on the temperature being kept quite a bit higher (76-85 degrees) and watch everyone else sweat while you sit comfortably in a T-shirt.

    Better yet, just allow individual rooms to have more control over their own temperature, or provide lots of fans and space heaters if that isn't possible.

    That’s right, my friends. Air conditioning is another big, sexist plot.

    Slight paranoia, perhaps?

    • Urmel

      I am in the same boat.

      Most people around me complain about having to wear a sweater because it is too cold while I am in a sleeveless top and still be too warm.