8 years ago
Rule Targets Prosecutors Who Don't Reveal Innocence Evidence
As four men sat in prison for a murder they didn't commit, records show that state investigators sent proof of their innocence to a North Carolina prosecutor, but he never revealed it to the convicted men. He didn't have to. Nothing in North Carolina's legal standards requires a prosecutor to turn over evidence of innocence after a conviction. The four, along with a fifth who also was convicted, were eventually cleared through the work...
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I fail to see how anyone with a conscience could NOT pursue such evidence. Do they call themselves Christians? I hope not.
Screw religious preferences, I would hope that they call themselves human. But then, maybe that's the problem....
Otherwise, as sad as it is, this proposal is actually a step in the right direction.
I see too many people calling themselves Christian when they are clearly anything but. Mostly characters in public office. They seem to wear it like a badge, as though it excuses them from unreasonable behaviour.
Then perhaps you can help clarify what distinguishes a true Christian from a fake. Is it someone who disagrees with you on Christian goals or morality, a difference in theological opinions or something you just know it when you see it? How does it differ from no true Scotsman?
Those who behave in a callous and unfeeling way to those who need help are not true Christians. WWJD?
Yes. Christian values are a good things to try to aspire to, not bad ones. I could think of worse one's to follow. Most religions believe the same thing. Treat all with love, and that is not a bad thing to aspire to.
No true Scotsman https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fui7yvebIdk
I have trouble believing that anyone, Christian or otherwise, can always be sympathetic and passionate to everyone they meet. There's only so much time and energy in the day. Not to mention a lot of non-Christians who behave with sympathy and passion in helping people.
It isn't hard to be compassionate; you don't necessarily have to do anything, merely avoid harsh judgements. Help if need be, otherwise walk on. I'm generally pleasant to people because that's how I was brought up by a Christian mother. An English Christian which may make a difference. She always said that God is Love. I still have difficulty with that concept...