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Published 9 years ago by geoleo with 6 Comments

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  • CaCtUs2003

    Here is a link to the game if you don't want to bother reading the article.

    • foli

      And here's the code if you don't want to bother launching the game, just plaing in your head :)

      <body onload=d=Date.now,t=d(s=0)><p style="float:left" onclick="(e=d(++s)-t)<15e3?style.margin=e%300+' 0 0 '+e*7%300:alert(s)">X</p></body>

  • RektByTheBell (edited 9 years ago)

    My high score is 16. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Can you beat it?

  • judog24

    It's fun for what it is. I wonder if any other "full", playable games can be made in 140 characters. Many of the responses to the tweet that started the challenge, used cheap methods of creating a "game".

    • tyler

      A fully playable game in 140 characters would be God Damn impressive.

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