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Published 8 years ago by geoleo with 12 Comments

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  • captainjib

    This is wonderful : ) I know that, in my town, people do really love certain trees. They will frequently carve initials into them though, and occasionally this damages them even though it really was done with good intentions. This is such a better way to express the affection, I'd love to see it happen in other cities as well!

  • Csellite

    Agreed This is truly amazing! I love it. What a great community the city has. I really want to write one.

  • emmg

    This is really great! It's like a creative writing assignment gone wild: "Write a letter to a tree...what would you tell it? What would you ask it?"

  • imakestuffgood

    Is there a way to share this with another tribe without reposting? I think the guys over in /t/melbourne would like to see this.

  • cunt

    People have been writing to inanimate objects for a long time : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Placing_notes_in_the_Western_Wall

    • Qukatt

      tree's aren't inanimate though; they're living things.

      • cunt

        but they can't physically move themselves

        • Boudicca

          Hi, I recommend David Attenborough's "The Secret Life of Plants" . Plants and trees do move across the landscape- not as we or other animals do, but when you watch some of the time lapse sequences it becomes evident that they do move, just at a slower pace. It's fascinating.

          • cunt

            Thank you. I did not know that. I will look it up tonight as it sounds very interesting

            • Boudicca

              It is. When you watch the time lapse stuff it really seems like the main difference between us and plants in relation to moving around is just time.

        • SarraMinovsky

          We may be conflating "sessile" (living but fixed in location, opposite of "motile") with "inanimate" (not living material).

        • Qukatt

          urm, yeah they do, plants turn towards the sun and twist and grow around things.

          Regardless, the definition of "inanimate" is not movement as many inanimate objects can move but if they are alive or not.

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