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Published 8 years ago by geoleo with 28 Comments

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Conversation 27 comments by 5 users
  • MAGISTERLUDI (edited 8 years ago)

    All the banter about who and or how it will be paid for.

    It's necessary on so many levels. A solution to illegal migration, yes security, and a start to an end of all the problems and contentious dialogue about what to do with those already here, no longer interminable.

    Edit: Build it, then send me and my family our bill, $120 paid gladly. I'll pay an additional $120 for another household unable to afford their bill.

    • fbc

      How is it a solution?

      How does it reduce or stop illegal immigration?

      How does it reduce or stop the flow of illegal drugs?

      How does it protect us from terrorist attacks?

      • [Deleted Profile]

        [This comment was removed]

      • MAGISTERLUDI (edited 8 years ago)

        Thank you Chick,

        It seems fbc, that you have answered all your questions to your satisfaction.

    • [Deleted Profile] (edited 8 years ago)

      [This comment was removed]

  • kxh

    1 in 200 people in the US are in prison and 1 in 32 are under correctional supervision. If you build a wall on the US-Mexican border and one on the US-Canadian border, you can turn the whole of the US into a prison. Crime problem solved. Security problem solved. Drug problem solved. Everyone knows terrorists won't want to break into a prison. Terrorism problem solved.

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