8 years ago
Donald Trump: Mexico will pay for wall, '100%'
US Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has insisted Mexico will pay for a border wall "100%", in a major immigration speech. He told a cheering crowd in Arizona that he would secure the border, and left open the possibility that millions of illegal immigrants be deported. Hours earlier, he met Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto but said they had not discussed financing the wall.
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I feel like I'm living in a bad movie. I sit here and think about the fact that millions of people have cast votes for both Donald and Hillary, already, and I think that it can't be real. I'm going to wake up and it's going to be Wednesday, November 3rd 1999, Gore won the election in a landslide because my fellow Americans are not insane and all of this was just a bad dream.
Tuesday, Nov. 7, 2000. The day the world went mad. Some of us reckon what time we have left from this rueful date, and will, at least until we wake up from this future.
I'm an idiot. Sorry, got nuthin' else.
Not a reflection on you at all. We all block it out in our own way. Some better than others. Lately, I've been trying to focus on the moment Gore bizarrely chose Lieberman as a running mate.
Before that, for a long time, I dwelt on the final days of the election when Nader should've been trying to get as many votes as possible for his party but instead chose against better advice to visit key battleground states specifically to tip the election to Bush.
For the coming years, I expect to spend a great deal of time and bile blaming Democrats for not challenging the election 'irregularities' in 2000 and 2004. Everything in its own due time.
Not to point the finger of blame, but to point to truth
Follow up question for Mr Trump: "Why would they?"
The insanity displayed by this man is getting to unexpectedly high levels. But then again, when you think it can't make less sense, he goes on and tops it. How can people really vote for this person? Have we not learn to analyze what he is actually saying and understand what he is proposing?
If you haven't watched the speech check it out. One of his more evil villian'ish to date.