• LaughAtSky

    I know what you mean. I feel like that too sometimes. But what I'm talking about is expanding that out to realising that one day NONE of this will exist. So even if your body somehow magically had the ability to live "forever", you won't be able to because the planet will get destroyed eventually. So really you don't have to worry about what people think of you or whether you really make the most of your life. I'm not sure how well I'm explaining this though :-)

    But also, once you no longer exist, you won't know you don't exist. You didn't know you weren't born before you were born. Heck, even once you WERE born you didn't know you were born for the first couple of years. In the end you've lost nothing. Just give life a shot and do what you can.

    I like the thought that we can't take any of this with us. There's no use being the richest person in the graveyard. I find that comforting, and also a good concept to get perspective on life's priorities. We all begin and end the same way. All paths eventually reach the same destination. Just don't forget to admire the scenery along the way.

    • drunkenninja

      That was strangely uplifting, have an upvote ;)

      • LaughAtSky

        Perhaps I should start charging money? :-D