• MrsBean

    Appreciated 6/10 of the hacks. Wouldn't bother putting bobby pins in an inflexible case when one can just clip them to a pocket in your suitcase. Takes up no extra space and readily available. Also personally wouldn't do the jewelery hack. That just boils down to not ever using hard cases, so personal choice there. Especially found useful the idea of plastic wrap to stop bottle from leaking. I feel a tad silly for never having thought of that. Thanks for posting!

    • drunkenninja

      Here is a quick one that I find quite useful.

      Lay out everything you're about to pack on the bed, and take a photo. Now, you can always access your phone to make sure you packed something instead of ripping your suitcase apart looking for that one thing you're not entirely sure you packed.

      • MrsBean

        Oooh what a great idea. I travel for my work, I'm definitely doing this!