• KingAztek

    Enough is enough. I've had enough of hearing about shootings in my local news. I've had enough of hearing about shootings on the national news. I've had enough of hearing about shootings in theaters, malls, schools, government places and neighborhoods. I've had enough of hearing about accidental shootings. I've also had enough about hearing about the 2nd amendment.

    The right to bear arms in a well regulated militia, is what's not to be infringed. The founders didn't there to be an anarchistic interpretation of the 2nd amendment. If they wanted to do that, the 2nd amendment would simply read "The people's right to bear arms shall not be infringed". What's so jacked is our current interpretation of militia.

    • zerozechs (edited 8 years ago)

      All other times when the constitution specifically states that the "right of the people" has been interpreted as a right reserved for the people. The 2nd amendment also explicitly states this. If you'd like that to mean something different, then good luck changing its interpretation elsewhere. If it was meant to protect the ability of the citizenry to form militias, it would have read so. It says "the right of the people", thus the people have a right to bear arms. The SCOTUS has consistently read the 2nd Amendment as such.

      Well regulated meant trained. Militia meant able bodied males, of a certain age range, and probably white. Modern interpretations with universal rights has taken militia to mean the whole of the citizenry.

      You want a well regulated militia? Support firearms training.