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  • Image
    8 years ago
    +2 2 0

    @riogardens • A friend's farming and beekeeping projects (as logged with pictures)

    My buddy lives around Ottawa and he's starting a permaculture farm on his land. His brother has already been beekeeping for the better part of three years. This is his instagram feed. I wanted to share it because I think that it's import ...

  • Text Post
    8 years ago
    +73 74 1

    It's a lot less intimidating to be a person here!


    There's one thing I've noticed about Snapzu since joining a couple of weeks ago: it's a lot easier to post things, be it comments or content (though I haven't posted any content yet). I've been on Reddit for 4 years? I think - I don't know - and I've commented maybe on a few dozen posts - and while I enjoy that people will call you out on your crap when you're wrong, there seems to be a culture of willful misinterpretation there that I just couldn't get over.

    People here seem to take pleasure in understanding what you're trying to say even if you don't say it exactly how THEY need to hear (read) it. I just wanted to say that I really appreciate the community here. And thank you.