• eikonoklastes

    People are predicting Blizz will either showcase the next expansion at this years Blizzcon or we'll have another year-long tier like Siege of Orgrimmar. Some people are already mad about the lack of content patches and the state of PvP, this will be interesting to follow.

    • EterneX

      I really enjoy the raids that they have pumped out, to be honest. Unfortunately, I never got into pvp or rep grinding with dailies, so if I'm not raiding or doing mythic dungeons with my friends, I'm not having fun :/

      • eikonoklastes

        I'm currently just doing Tanaan dailies and gearing up to 695 and somewhat content with that, but I couldn't do that for an extended time. Now if I could get over my tanking stage fright... that would open some new possibilities.

    • ProtoJazz

      People have been complaing that the game was better during wrath since the end of wrath. But honestly I had my best time at the end of wrath start of cata. But I think it was the people more than the game, I feel like the game is the same, I just can't get back into it. I enjoyed the guild I was with so much, and just don't have the desire to try to find a new one, or the same time available to really bond with them anyway

      • eikonoklastes

        It's weird because I feel the same way. My prime time as a raider was during WotLK and I'm sure it was the people. In between we ran heroic dungeons all the time and they were just the right amout between talented raiders and casuals, today I only find one or the other. One's full of parents going afk all the time to take care of the house, doing all their chores when 24 other people wait just for them, listening to their children cry in the background. The other has raidleaders kicking you for forgetting a prepot or going ballistic when you take a little more time to learn dealing with a mechanic. Where's the middle ground? Am I going crazy?