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Published 8 years ago by dynamite with 2 Comments

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  • leweb

    This is true. I'm still hanging on to my 6-year old MacBook. I was thinking of buying a new one but they just released a slightly nicer looking and far more complicated to use version of what I already have. This is not courage, it's utter lack of respect for their customers.

  • Gozzin

    Don't people ever use an editor anymore?
    That being said,people have already complained about Mac's dongle hell in Snapzu. While I've never used Mac's,I think it's a shame what they have done to a perfectly fine laptop to make extra money selling dongles.

    Unfortunately, the time to get a new laptop did not take too long to come. One year later, my Toshiba Portégé just kept showing me the blue screen and I know it’s time to say goodbye.

    When XP started pilling it's crap,i installed a Linux distro. I also can't help but wonder if this is not really a poorly written advertisement for Windows Surface disguised as a Mac rant.

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