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Published 9 years ago by drunkenninja with 6 Comments

What Bill Gates is afraid of

What's likeliest to kill more than 10 million human beings in the next 20 years? It's probably not what you'd think.

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  • geoleo

    He sounds like he knows what he's talking about. And he is one of the few with the credentials to say it.

  • Gozzin

    And some nutjob could be working on something that would indeed do what he feara.

  • messi

    50% chance of an outbreak in his lifetime seems a bit high.

    • ttubravesrock

      there's a lot of people on this planet compared to the 20s.

      • Splitfish

        And travel is so much more accessible. I can be in China in 12 hours flat. Good luck with that in the 20s.

  • aj0690

    This stuff freaks the hell out of me

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